Roman Rokon
Roman Rokon

<Full-stack Developer />

2020 Wrapped

January 15th, 2021

2020 Wrapped

546 Words


2 Minutes to read!


Welcome to my first blog. A brief of what I did in 2020. It was a horrifying year for all the people all over the world for sure. But it shouldn't hold you back. I indeed taste a lot of new things, thanks to the pandemic effect. Mostly ReactJS, NodeJS &#x26; JamStack related.


I started learning React in early 2018 but I was new to practical Javascript (and specifically ES6) at that time, and I had a hard time understanding some of the React concepts. So I spend more time understanding modern/latest Javascript.

I also learned to program in C for a little bit to get closer to the silicon! Then some Python for the sake of college. Besides those, I keep playing with JS/NodeJS. In 2019 I mostly played games for the sake of games 😄 (wasted 2019). But I learned a little of bit C# and Java in and out of college.

Section main

Coming in 2020, started doing React with a better understanding. Found hooks a !god bless feature but feels weird (I liked the class way of working better)! Found a nice UI library Material-UI. I was introduced to Jamstack and Gatsby, started building this site with Gatsby and material-UI. Thanks to Gatsby's out-of-the-box support, finally started using TypeScript = ❤️.

The reason I choose Gatsby over NextJS was GraphQL, and the plugin ecosystem. Next was little overkill for this website. But GraphQL can be a pain in the a.

I started understanding C#/Java better after using Typescript. Because I had more experience in Javascript. I would like to mention that I use repl.it to quickly try different languages without having any local setup overhead.

And this situation where I found myself learning Gatsby, Graphql and Typescript at the same time. It's a bad thing. (that's an advice)

I wanted to try game development ✌️. My game engine of choice is Godot, first met it in 2019. So my desire for making games wasn't new. But I choose PhaserJS. After learning game dev fundamentals with phaser/web games I can move to a proper game engine like Godot or Unreal Engine if I want to! That was the plan, phaser as a middleman.😮

Late 2020, I finished a Codecademy course on Phaser. Re-write a 'Game' from that course using Typescript. There are a lot of things to deal with to develop a game than web/app development in general. Hoping to release a AAA title soon, alone.😂

But we don't live in a perfect world, do we!

Experimented with React-native, Flutter and Electron. I deployed a node/typescript API (serverfull) to the cloud with Now/Vercel, which lead me to serverless/lambda at the end of the year. Fell in love with the concept of serverless computing.


My 2020 goal was to learn the MERN stack. I learned JAMstack, serverless in addition to MERN. Haven't done any MERN project to showcase here yet. I feel like I'm gonna do more serverless stuff.

Wanted to wrap my 2020 but wrapped until 2020, It's not that bad I think.

The 2021 Journey begins. (wait, 2021 started a while ago!)

If you're a passionate developer, working with similar technologies, reading this very last line, let's make something, together! 🙄

*Pardon any grammatical mistake

web developmentmobile developmentgame developmentmernstackjamstackserverlessphaserjs